Category: Reviews

God is at Work

Nancy Ward has laid it all out for us. No joking here or over-exaggeration. I enjoyed reading this book because it gave me a glimpse of who Nancy is as an individual. Her faith journey as a convert is laid out as an example of how to tell your own story. But she goes further than an example. She gives us the steps, one by one, with instructions on writing your testimony and using it.

Featured Favorite: Does sharing your faith story scare you?

Does sharing your faith scare you?  There is something about doing it that is a bit nerve-racking  Maybe it is the fear of rejection, being made fun of, or perhaps something else.  The fact of the matter is that somebody needs to hear your story.  Author and speaker Nancy HC Ward recently wrote a book titled Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story that sets out to give tips and to show the importance of each individual faith story.

Virginia Lieto

Review: Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story

We all have a story to tell; whether we are cradle Catholics or converts to the faith. My “Leap of Faith” story, of a gradual conversion process, is included in this faith-inspiring book. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in learning more about the conversion stories of others. If you are an RCIA Coordinator, this book would serve you well in learning where people are coming from, to better guide them to where they need to be – in the loving arms of Jesus Christ and His One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Need a guidebook for the New Evangelization?

A uniquely effective and timely guidebook for the New Evangelization, I’m delighted to have this opportunity to review Nancy Ward’s Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips & Testimonies. This unique guidebook is a much-needed work for our time. As most know, decades of disastrously poor formation programs have led the Church to a worldwide crisis of faith.
Our focus on the new evangelization makes Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story perfect for parish studies and for the individual seeking opportunities for one-on-one sharing,

A Motley Gallimaufry

We’re a motley bunch: an atheist-turned-Catholic, cradle Catholics, a former Mormon and previously Protestant Catholics. I’m in the last category.
A few of the other 29 folks have a “faith story” that’s a bit like mine, more intellectual than emotional.
Others are, by my standards, brimming with bubbly effervescence.
As I said, we’re a motley bunch. What we have in common is a love for and acceptance of Jesus.

Michael Seagriff: A Powder Keg of Evangelizing Zeal

Stop and think for a moment. There are a zillion more lay Catholics in the world than there are priests and religious. It is we lay people who hold the key to the evangelization of the world. This is one of the most overlooked exhortations of Vatican II. Instead of rushing to fill “quasi liturgical roles,” we lay folk were challenged to evangelize the environments which are unique to us (and not readily accessible to our priests and religious) – our homes and extended family, our businesses and work environments (including our employees and co-workers) and the various athletic, charitable, entertainment, fraternal, political, professional and social organizations in which we participate.

A Guidebook for the New Evangelization

A uniquely effective and timely guidebook for the New Evangelization, I’m delighted to have this opportunity to review Nancy Ward’s Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips & Testimonies. This unique guidebook is a much-needed work for our time. As most know, decades of disastrously poor formation programs have led the Church to a worldwide crisis of faith.
Our focus on the new evangelization makes Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story perfect for parish studies and for the individual seeking opportunities for one-on-one sharing,

Look Who’s Reading … Patti Maguire Armstrong

Easy Solutions for Catholic Evanglizers
Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips & Testimony by Nancy Ward is about writing your faith story. Ward at Joy Alive is all about using testimonies of joy and faith to draw people in. The first part covers the why and how to do it, and the second part is filled with engaging stories.  As a Catholic writer, I confess that I glossed over the first part but was duly impressed with how well told the faith stories are, so clearly, Ward’s advice hits the mark.