Tagged: generosity

Got Joy?

Got Joy? Latest posts 11-23-18

  Thanksgiving Blessings: Edelweiss and the Doxology Our family tradition for Thanksgiving grace is sung to the tune of  “Edelweiss” from the Sound of Music. The Von Trapp family at the festival performed the forbidden national anthem, Edelweiss, as they prepared to escape the country. Our family sings the Edelweiss blessing at Thanksgiving. https://joyalive.net/thanksgiving-blessings-eidelweissdoxology//11/the-surprising-holy-spirit.html/  ...

CWG: What’s on God’s To-Do List for you?

CWG: What’s on God’s To-Do List for you?

Sunrise over Lake Ray Hubbard (photo by Nancy Ward) Featured on CatholicWritersGuild.com What surprised does God have on his to-do list for you today? Does he wake you up early enough to enjoy the beautiful sunrise he created? As you get dressed, does he prompt you to pray for a divorced friend or cancer-stricken relative?...

Simon of Cyrene (Getty)

Pressed into Service

”Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles,” (Matthew 5:41). Your son comes home from his first day of Early Childhood all excited, “Guess what, Mommy, we get to go on all the field trips together! Every week!” “Why is that?” “Because we have a station wagon!” Blam!...

The Gift of a Free Lunch

The Gift of a Free Lunch

featured on NewEvangelizers.com Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. (James 1:16-17 NAB) Mariana, my friend from exercise class, told me she was bringing a meal to a woman who couldn’t pay rent or buy groceries...