Tagged: love

The Friar's Corner

Friar’s Corner: God’s love empowers us to love others

It is helpful to see that St. Matthew, in chapters five to seven, develops a process of spiritual growth starting with the Beatitudes beginning in 5:3-12. This is a nine-step ladder to grow in holiness and get to heaven. We see here the three major stages of growth from the Purgative stage of turning away from serious sin in our five senses. It is called the Dark Night of the Senses.

Friar’s Corner: The joy of finding Jesus, the Messiah

Friar’s Corner: The joy of finding Jesus, the Messiah

This is a short theological presentation of what Jesus’ baptism was and is still about for our journey through this life to get to heaven. God had and has a plan for all people on this earth. We are all his children. He is the power and energy that holds all things together. Jesus opened up a new path to heaven for all of humanity by establishing his Church to be the primary source of his power.