Category: Coronavirus

Friar’s Corner: Fighting the evil spirits around us

We could call events these days at least as a double-layered early storm. We have the physical story of the Covid virus and the political movement toward our November elections. I won’t sidestep today’s gospel of  a Canaanite mother whose daughter is “tormented by a demon.” There are levels of demonic activity. Oppression deals with a person experiencing normal attacks by evil spirits. Obsession deals with evil spirits to create severe disturbances and blockage in a particular area of a person. God will not let evil spirits completely take over every area of a person’s life. They may hamper certain areas. We think of temptations, harassment, obsession or possession of certain areas of a person’s life.

TheSimpleCatholic: Why you are never too old to evangelize

I’m part of the elder generation of faithful Christians who know the Truth and bring that Truth to the spiritual orphans of our secular culture. Vigorous and sturdy, we shall bear fruit among those whom no one else can evangelize but who can relate to us right here and now. We interact with the walking wounded at Walmart and can minister to the casualties of the culture of death.

CatholicWritersGuild: Sewing Hope

“Right now, the Holy Spirit is using me and the book to help all of us who are coping with the transition into a new lifestyle of constant restraint and change. I didn’t know that Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story would be used for this purpose, but I’m now realizing that the Holy Spirit had many uses in mind for it. People want to know how to get through this and this book has answers”–Nancy Ward

How to reset your Happiness Set Point

We all are trying to cope with unprecedented challenges the pandemic brings in every area of our lives. As our emotions roller-coaster. it’s difficult to find happiness in the chaos. But there’s a way you can help dig yourself out of so much unhappiness. With or without a pandemic, we all have a Happiness Set Point, a pretty constant level of happiness that can be reset.

Image by Min An (2018), Pexels

CatholicMom: Seeking the Presence of Jesus

In 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, Paul teaches us that as members of His Body, we are given specific gifts by the Holy Spirit for building the Body.
During the pandemic, I’ve grown more aware of the presence of Jesus in the corporate Body of Christ around me. The individual members of His Body just don’t look like Jesus, and most of their actions don’t measure up to what I need to console me.
Perhaps I’m looking for big signs – a billboard that reads, “God loves Nancy,” While I read an email message from someone expressing love in their appreciation of me.

The Friar's Corner

Friar’s Corner: Jesus, our best food

What does Jesus continue to do all over the world each day? He changes a little bread and wine, as our daily best food. It is full of God-power to equip us to go forth into the world bringing the love of Jesus to others. What about all of those people all over the world who are caring for coronavirus victims? Aren’t they all reaching out with the hands of Jesus to heal and comfort? Receive and go forth to help heal the suffering.