Water from the side of Christ

Unconditionally book coverAnima Christi: Water from the side of Christ, wash me

The third of seven meditations on the Anima Christi from Unconditionally, Finding Jesus in the Eucharist

by Greg Wasinski

What initially comes to mind is the moment when the sol­dier plunges his lance into the side of Jesus on the cross causing the remaining blood and water to gush from Him; the blood a symbol of the Eucharist and the water a symbol of our Baptism. Some see it as the Holy Spirit springing forth in that moment as the living water. While scripturally we know it fulfills the prophecy, “there shall be a fountain opened for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jeru­salem to cleanse them from sin and uncleanliness” (Zech. 13:1).

Regardless, I would wish to be showered at the foot of the cross by anything Christ had left to pour out of Himself for me, especially if it would cleanse me from the offenses that put Him there in the first place. Since we now know we are sacramentally forgiven of sin through water in Baptism, then this is a moment to seek the same reconciliation through Christ bound in the Eucharist.

The blood and water that flowed from the pierced side of the crucified Jesus are types of Baptism and the Eucharist, the sacraments of new life. From then on, it is possible ‘to be born of water and the Spirit’ in order to enter the King­dom of God. (CCC1225)

This is the connection to the forgiveness of venial offenses wiped out through the Eucharist.

We pray, “Lord, shower me in the waters of your grace. Make me clean of all the times I have sinned and strayed from you.”

Copyright © 2015 by Greg Wasinski & LMBM, Inc. All rights reserved.

Greg WasinskiGreg Wasinski was successful, career driven, business executive searching for lifelong fulfillment when he heard a direct calling from God to move his talents into full-time ministry. Greg is an internationally recognized, Catholic Christian inspirational speaker and author from Cleveland, OH. He also offers his radio talents as a daily contributor to SiriusXM Radio’s The Catholic Channel with his “Faith & Real Life Moments.”

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Nancy Ward

Nancy Ward writes about conversion, Christian community, and Catholicism. After earning a journalism degree, she worked for the Diocese of Dallas newspaper and the Archbishop Sheen Center for Evangelization, then began her own editing service. She’s a regular contributor to CatholicMom.com, SpiritualDirection.com, CatholicWritersGuild.com, NewEvangelizers.com and a contributing author to The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion. Now, through her Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips, and Testimonies workshops, retreats, book, and DVD, she shares her conversion story at Catholic parishes and conferences, equipping others to share their own stories.

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