Tagged: St. Paul

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 1-22-16

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 1-22-16

Friars Corner: The joy of the gifts of the Holy Spirit – From his experience and that of St. Paul, Fr. Bob explains the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the joy of God’s marvelous power. Joy Stories: Amazing Grace – Diane justified everything she did with ‘everyone else is doing it’ until God’s Amazing...

Friars Corner: The joy of telling others about Jesus

Friars Corner: The joy of telling others about Jesus

Numbers 11:25-29; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-14; James 5:1-6; Mark 9:38-43, 45 and 47-48 At the Last Supper Jesus told his closest followers that the coming Holy Spirit would instruct them in everything and remind them of all that Jesus told them. So we look to the Holy Spirit for that guidance. St. Paul said to...

Pope: Christians’ only bragging rights are being a sinner, being saved

Pope: Christians’ only bragging rights are being a sinner, being saved

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis said Christians should boast about only two things: that they are sinners and they have been saved by Jesus Christ. It's useless to brag about formal education and degrees because they don't have the power to transform people into credible Christian witnesses, the pope said; only a personal experience...