Tagged: Scott Lucado

Tripping Over a Treasure Trove

For the first time, I saw how a person could be both devout and a lively intellectual. Well-educated Catholics will laugh at my naiveté but I was raised with the typical secular view of Catholicism as repressive, medieval and anti-intellectual. To say that this book piqued my curiosity is a vast understatement. I felt as though I had tripped over the entrance to a spiritual treasure trove. I truly felt touched by the hand of God, and I fell in love with Catholicism.

Got Joy?

Got Joy? Latest posts 7-13-18

          Tripping into a spiritual treasure trove – Scott Lucado compares his faith story to discovering a spiritual treasure trove after worshipping at the altar of self-indulgence. Featured Favorite: Tripping into a spiritual treasure trove   CatholicWritersGuild: My relationships in the Catholic Writers Guild are human, not perfect, but generosity reigns....