Tagged: love

Strange Gods: Moments of distraction

Strange Gods: Moments of distraction

In Strange Gods: Unmasking the idols of everyday life, Elizabeth Scalia writes beautifully about how she struggles with distractions during her prayers. Can you relate? When I first began to pray—and I am forever a beginner—I struggled with focus, particularly in contemplation and in praying the Rosary. I let the struggle take more of my...

Circle of Good: Loving the sinner

featured on CatholicWritersGuild.com Our parents and spiritual mentors taught to hate the sin and love the sinner. This haunting story, compelling me to share it. The author is unknown and the facts cannot be authenticated. Like a biblical parable, the message touches my heart and causes me to think and perhaps change the way I react...

God’s To-Do List for you

What’s on God’s to-do list for you today? Does he wake you up early enough to enjoy the beautiful sunrise he created? As you get dressed, does he prompt you to pray for a divorced friend or cancer-stricken relative? Perhaps when you get to work and prepare to give a presentation this afternoon, the connector...

Valentines for God

Valentines for God

Featured on CatholicWritersGuild.com How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Feeling guilty yet? The excesses of the holidays make clear the need to evaluate many aspects of our lives and resolve to change them. In February we realize how idealistic we were on the first day of a new year. What’s so obvious it hurts...

The Will of God

The Will of God

The will of God will never take you The will of God will never take you, Where the grace of God cannot keep you, Where the arms of God cannot support you, Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs, Where the power of God cannot endow you.