Tagged: God

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 9-2-16

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 9-2-16

  Featured Favorite: Trust God. He sees everything – God sees everything with loving eyes. That’s why you can trust him. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely.” (Proverbs 3:5) One author’s take on ‘The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion’ – featured on CatholicMom.com – God inspired authors of Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion...

Featured Favorite: Pentecost People

Before Pentecost, the disciples were fearful orphans subject to their whims of the moment. Sad and grieving without Jesus, they lacked self-direction and self-motivating guidance. He was their protector who promised to stay with them always. Then the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirit breathed into them a divine life of spiritual maturity.  After...

Held Aloft

Held Aloft

by Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB Jesus, Lord of Heaven and Earth, I love and adore you. You alone know how unsure I am of my present and my future. You alone, Lord, see the anxiety and darkness that I carry within me. You alone know how confused I am and how often I move...

The Creator’s Joyful Gifts

The Creator’s Joyful Gifts

by Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB The Creator's gift to us of experiencing a taste of heaven's joy can be found in the ordinariness of our daily lives. Finding God in the simple things of life draws our attention to His nearness and helps transform our perceptions of what it is to believe and have...

Featured Favorite: Cultivating God’s Garden through Lent

Featured Favorite: Cultivating God’s Garden through Lent

Just in time for Lent, I interviewed Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB author of a beautiful book of Lenten devotions, Cultivating God’s Garden through Lent.  As an Advanced Master Gardener, Margaret knows how to grow just about anything and shares her spiritual insights received while working with nature. During Lent, JoyAlive.net will feature short quotes...