Friar’s Corner: New life with Jesus

The Friar's CornerActs 10:34a,37-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17; 22-23; 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8; 1 Corinthians 5:7b-8a; John 20:1-9

For much of the world, those connected to the electronic world, we are in shock. For the northern part of our planet with all of our science and medical technology, we are still baffled. Most of the media is focused on the virus, its symptoms and effects and not having a remedy to eliminate it and bring us back to where we were a few months ago.

Returning to where we were is not going to happen. For those more spiritually-minded this is God’s wake-up call to the whole world. He had to do this because many are trying to throw God out of their lives. They don’t want his love and mercy. They don’t want to really love and help others. If we don’t repent and turn back to God and his directives for our lives, more things will happen than what has been going on in all of the destructive weather even before this coronavirus.

Satan wants to destroy humanity and take us off to hell with him, his other fallen angels and countless human disciples. God has had enough of our current wars and killing of fellow human beings, like over 300,000 developing humans in their mother’s wombs in Planned Parenthood, just in our country. I call these clinics Hitler’s death camps, here in the US. How many have been killed in this Middle-East war and the thousands who are homeless and nothing to go home to?

Access divine power

Easter for all Christians is our major feast. For the Catholic Church that Jesus himself founded, and the earliest expressions of that developing faith, the Mass, the Divine Liturgy or Eucharist Liturgy is our greatest source of divine power. And yet our churches have been closed to the public as not to spread this pandemic. Many churches worldwide have gone to electronic video ways to help people plug into God’s power and as we long to receive the Eucharistic presence of Jesus, we can, by our desire have an increase of God’s divine power.

Let us pray more, read more of the New Testament and want to live surrounded by a world of Christ’s resurrection glorious light. As we get filled up with this divine power, we can radiate it to others. We can also encourage our family and friends to get closer to Jesus every day.

You can also put a Divine Mercy picture of Jesus on the outside doors of your house, home or apartment facing out. God directed the Jews to place the blood of the paschal lamb on their door posts to protect them before he killed the first-born in human and animals before they left Egypt. Jesus wants to protect us in these days from all evil.

Wake up

In a very real sense, God had to go to this extreme to wake us up from our blindness and slumber. If we do not repent and put God first in our lives and follow his directives, this virus will not be the end of God’s chastisement. This is not the end of life on earth. The Book of Revelation speaks about the four angels of the apocalypse. God can wipe out all evil on the earth. Our congress needs to completely de-fund and permanently close every Planned Parenthood death camp in the U.S. of American citizens in the womb. Hitler would be happy with so many of our death camps. Wake up, people. When Jesus healed so many he told them to go and sin no more.

I plead with you to get as close to Jesus and the petals of a daisy are to its drown. With Jesus and our fellow committed Christians we can win this current war and send the devils back to where they came from.

My heart goes out to all those suffering from this pandemic and for all those helping them in any way. I hold all of you and then in my heart and arms as I pray during these liturgical holy days. God wants to use us to help him make our country and the world a better place to live in.


Father Bob Hilz, Ambassador for Christ.

(© 2020 Father Bob Hilz, TOR)

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Nancy Ward

Nancy Ward writes about conversion, Christian community, and Catholicism. After earning a journalism degree, she worked for the Diocese of Dallas newspaper and the Archbishop Sheen Center for Evangelization, then began her own editing service. She’s a regular contributor to,,, and a contributing author to The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion. Now, through her Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips, and Testimonies workshops, retreats, book, and DVD, she shares her conversion story at Catholic parishes and conferences, equipping others to share their own stories.

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