Tagged: Disney

Got Joy? Latest posts 6-7-19

  Rejoice! Be Glad!  News from  Melanie Rigney Melanie Rigney features Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story on Rejoice! Be Glad! as the book on her nightstand.   Friar’s Corner: Jesus blessed them and went back to heaven Jesus tells the disciples to remain in the city for nine days until he and his Father will send...

NewEvangelizers: The Holy Spirit and Disney

Featured on New Evangelizers.com The high school production of Mary Poppins was glorious and magical! My granddaughter Nancy played Mrs. Banks, the mother of the children who hires Mary Poppins when she unexpectedly shows up to be their nanny. In the musical based on the familiar Disney movie, the singing and dancing made the characters...

Disney and the Holy Spirit

“You do not possess because you do not ask.” James 4:2 In his Pentecost homily, Fr. Joe compared Walt Disney with the Holy Spirit. Walt Disney could create characters by sketching their likeness on a piece of paper and bringing them alive through animation. He animated the characters to sing, dance, talk, love, cry and be...