Tagged: St. John

Set Free

Set Free

by Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB I can imagine how the adulterous woman may have felt when Jesus stood by her in the angry mob (John 8:1-11). Her hidden sins were no longer hidden, her emotional scars obvious, and every muscle in her body tensed as she realized her death was imminent. And then she...

Friar’s Corner: Jesus, your word brings order, peace and joy

Friar’s Corner: Jesus, your word brings order, peace and joy

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 The last four weeks we have been reflecting on Jesus’ real presence in the consecrated Bread, Wine from St. John’s gospel. Now we make a dramatic shift to the concept of law, so we need help. ‘‘Come, Holy Spirit, please give us...