Tagged: Sr. Christina Neumann

Featured Favorite: The Spirit of Simple Obedience

This little Visit with Jesus changed my life.  I left with the conviction that He was asking me to be a Sister.  What that meant, I really had very little idea.  I didn’t know a lot about religious life.  I didn’t know what kind of community I would enter, what I would do, or where I should turn.  What I did have, after this initial “call,” was the conviction that “if this is what God is asking me to do, then I’ll do it.”  As I have reflected back on this, years later, I thank my parents for helping instill this spirit of simple obedience to God in me in my early years, largely by their own example.

The Spirit of Simple Obedience

This little Visit with Jesus changed my life.  I left with the conviction that He was asking me to be a Sister.  What that meant, I really had very little idea.  I didn’t know a lot about religious life.  I didn’t know what kind of community I would enter, what I would do, or where I should turn.  What I did have, after this initial “call,” was the conviction that “if this is what God is asking me to do, then I’ll do it.”