Tagged: Simon of Cyrene

Simon of Cyrene (Getty)

Pressed into Service

”Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles,” (Matthew 5:41). Your son comes home from his first day of Early Childhood all excited, “Guess what, Mommy, we get to go on all the field trips together! Every week!” “Why is that?” “Because we have a station wagon!” Blam!...

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 7-15-16

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 7-15-16

Joy Stories: Embracing the cross – by Lisa Nicholas – Like Simon of Cyrene, I did not choose the cross that weighed so heavily on me, but in carrying it, I found myself with Jesus close beside me. Transform your marriage with ‘Intimate Graces’ – featured on CatholicWritersGuild.com  – God meant marriage to fulfill our...

Joy Stories: Embracing the Cross

Joy Stories: Embracing the Cross

By Lisa Nicholas In my parish church, we have a set of hand-carved Stations of the Cross that we purchased from Taiwan thirty years ago. In those days we couldn’t afford much, so parishioners were encouraged to “buy” one station. I chose to pay for the Fifth Station, where Simon of Cyrene is compelled to...