Tagged: Lisa Nicholas

Testimony: Learning to Love the Cross

When I look back to see how the Lord has been working all my life to draw me closer to Himself, I am reminded of a scene in The Silver Chair, one of C. S. Lewis’s Narnia Chronicles: two children have been sent by Aslan (the Christ figure of Narnia) on a perilous quest to rescue the lost prince of Narnia. Aslan gives them instructions on how to complete their quest but, in the hardship of their journey, they get so tied up in their own discomfort that they forget to look for the signs he has told them to watch for. Only after much struggle and danger do they happen to look back over the way they have come; now they can see clearly that a series of troublesome trenches through which they have struggled are actually a message carved in the earth, spelling out one of Aslan’s instructions for anyone to see who cares to look. What the children in the story couldn’t see at the time is plain in hindsight—but they have left it almost until too late before they look back.

Do you panic when asked about your Catholic faith?

Right on the Mark!
When we are asked how we first realized that Jesus is our Lord who loves us, few will be able to share a coherent and extemporaneous narrative. We will probably recall our stories of faith randomly without order. Her many suggestions, especially of journaling and creating a timeline, make for a better understanding of our lives and later, for sharing our stories. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and had to carve a particular time to read it. I did not want to rush myself through the book because I found it spiritually nourishing to be able to dig deep into my memory files to recall those incidents in my life when I realized Jesus was with me. As she was going through her tips and techniques, I knew I was going to implement these in my future writings. The emotions that she felt during her journey were so alive that I thought I was walking in her shoes in my journey as well. A very inspiring read and a treasure-trove of writing tips and faith stories – An Anonymous Writer

We have a cover for Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story!

Completion of a bright, inspiring cover is the latest milestone leading to publishing Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips, and Testimonies. When the editorial team started brainstorming about cover concepts, I didn’t have a clear vision of what art, lettering and colors would best convey the evangelization theme of the two parts of the...

Tour the new website: NancyHCWard.com

Tour the new website: NancyHCWard.com

Inspiring and Equipping Catholics to Evangelize is the theme of the new website. NancyHCWard.com, It’s meant to help us: Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence. (1 Peter 3:15-16) I’ve gathered all the pertinent information about my...

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 7-15-16

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 7-15-16

Joy Stories: Embracing the cross – by Lisa Nicholas – Like Simon of Cyrene, I did not choose the cross that weighed so heavily on me, but in carrying it, I found myself with Jesus close beside me. Transform your marriage with ‘Intimate Graces’ – featured on CatholicWritersGuild.com  – God meant marriage to fulfill our...

Joy Stories: Embracing the Cross

Joy Stories: Embracing the Cross

By Lisa Nicholas In my parish church, we have a set of hand-carved Stations of the Cross that we purchased from Taiwan thirty years ago. In those days we couldn’t afford much, so parishioners were encouraged to “buy” one station. I chose to pay for the Fifth Station, where Simon of Cyrene is compelled to...

Escape the Texas heat this October by Lisa Nicholas

Escape the Texas heat this October by Lisa Nicholas

If you're like me, when "autumn" arrives in Texas (to the extent that it ever does!), you dream of crisp, cool air and brightly colored leaves drifting down from stately maples and oxaks. This fall you can make that dream come true if you attend "Your Word is My Delight," a Catholic writer's retreat to...