Tagged: fasting

Joy Stories: Live the Fast by Andy LaValle

Joy Stories: Live the Fast by Andy LaValle

Some people go through an entire life not knowing their purpose or why God has given them the gifts he has. Up until June of 2010, I was a secure, self-employed businessman, married for 35 years, with two adult children as partners in our enterprise. My priorities were golf, business, family, and God in that...



Waltham, MA (August 15, 2015) – Live the Fast, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides nutritious breads and educational materials to encourage prayer and fasting, has announced that it will lead a prayer and fasting novena for Pope Francis’s upcoming visit to the USA next month. Fast4Francis is an opportunity for participants to embrace the...

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 4-10-15

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 4-10-15

Pope Francis: What do the angels of children tell God about us? – Pope: May the Lord judge our life by listening to what the angels of children bring to Him, those angels that always see the face of the Father in heaven. Featured Favorite: Resurrection and self-awareness – The joy of the resurrection gives...

Got Joy? Latest  JOYAlive.net posts 3-13-15

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 3-13-15

 Grandpa Francis – Pope Francis: “Grandparents form the permanent 'choir' of a great spiritual shrine.” CC4Moms package discount for JOYAlive.net subscribers – offer to subscribers to JOYAlive.net for conference discount and free "Sharing Your Faith" booklet Our Father and the 7 Last Words of Jesus, 4th Word – "My God, my God, why hast...

From Hub to Heart, via Medjugorje

At the Catholic Men’s Conference in Boston in 2010, Andy LaVallee met Jim Caviezel, not knowing he portrayed Jesus in The Passion of Christ. Jim dared Andy to go with him to Medjugorje, an obscure, poor village in Croatia. For more than thirty years, it has been alleged that the Virgin Mary has been appearing...