Tagged: faithfulness

CWG: Bread Upon the Waters – an authentic adventure

Although Tien, as a child, knew he would be a priest, this dream was not just a fleeting aspiration but a sure calling. His courage and perseverance never wavered through unspeakable torment. Bread Upon the Water is quite an inspiring tale of intrigue, deception, clever tactics and trust in God. Humanness emerges from the pages in many scenes. Tien’s mother, Pham Toa fascinates me. I can see where he gets his strong-willed spirit—and his gentle generosity. She’s not afraid to stand up to the soldiers by spitting on them when they confiscate her wares in the marketplace. She walks for days to bring food to her imprisoned husband and takes in relatives and friends in need. Stoically she tells two of her sons goodbye, perhaps forever, for their chance to find freedom far away from their homeland.