Tagged: Time for God

In the School of the Holy Spirit

Featured on SpiritualDirection.com Are you pursuing a plan for holiness? In his book, In the School of the Holy Spirit, Fr. Jacques Philippe writes, “Holiness is not a program for life, but something obtained from God. We all have the power to become holy, simply because God lets himself be won over by the trust...

A Classic by Fr. Jacques Philippe: Time for God

A Classic by Fr. Jacques Philippe: Time for God

featured on NewEvangelizers.com Time for God by Jacques Philippe is about mental prayer. Facing God in solitude and silence for a time, to enter into intimate, loving communication with him. I read this as a participant in a group study initiated by my covenant community, with talks each Sunday on the five chapters of this...

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 1-20-17

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 1-20-17

  Time for God — Fr. Jacques Philippe’s classic on mental prayer – featured on SpiritualDirection.com – What is the highest priority of prayer? Find out when Nancy Ward reviews Father Jacques Philippe’s classic book on mental prayer Time for God. Rejoice Always? Really? – Nancy Ward shares a Grandmother story and asks, When has...