Tagged: meditation

The Our Father and 7 Last Words of Jesus, 6th Word

“Thy will be done …” From heaven Jesus became a helpless baby, lived a human life full of work, sweat and pain, and fulfilled his destiny by dying in agony on the cross. He did that out of obedience to the Father and love for us.
Like a marathon runner who has finished the race he proclaims his victory. He appears to lose the race but in three days he will smash the chains of death. He has paid the price for our sins, a price that’s beyond counting.

The Our Father and 7 Last Words of Jesus, 5th Word

“Thy kingdom come …” Every soul that God has ever created and ever will create he wishes to be with him in heaven for eternity. Jesus is so committed to us that he suffered torture and death to make that happen. His thirst is for the salvation of all people.
You can help quench part of his thirst by accepting him into your life. You can be a cup of fresh water for Jesus.

The Our Father and 7 Last Words of Jesus, 4th Word

Have you ever been hurt by someone you love and trust completely? The astonishment is often greater than the pain; you simply cannot believe that person did it. Jesus was one with the Father. He knows his Father is not abandoning him, but the real suffering of the cross brings out his anguish in these words. The Father has not abandoned Jesus. He will not remove the cross, but he will stay by Jesus and see him through his ordeal.

The Our Father and 7 Last Words of Jesus, 3rd Word

God the Father entered into covenants with Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses and David. Each time he did so mankind sinned, and broke the covenant. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is the final and eternal covenant.  Covenants create new family relationships. John is adopted into Jesus’ family. So are we!

The Our Father and 7 Last Words of Jesus, 1st Word

Lenten Series: The key episode in all of history is the death and resurrection of Jesus. No other event in history is remotely close in impact and permanence of effect. It was the reason he came to Earth, the fulfillment of his life. The Son of God became man so he could pay the price of our sins on the cross. His whole human existence pointed to this moment.
The scriptures record what Christ said while he hung on the cross. For all believers, his words are worth pondering. The seven last words of Christ are seven statements he made. They are the last teachings he gave to us and connect to his teaching on how we should pray.

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At the hour of my death, call me

Anima Christi: At the hour of my death, call me and bid me come unto thee The seventh of seven meditations on the Anima Christi from Unconditionally, Finding Jesus in the Eucharist By Greg Wasinski When our time is up, will we feel worthy of His love? Any­thing but a resounding “yes” could make us...

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From the evil one, protect me

Anima Christi: From the evil one, protect me The sixth of seven meditations on the Anima Christi from Unconditionally, Finding Jesus in the Eucharist by Greg Wasinski As I talked about in the chapter Temptation in the Desert, spiritual warfare is real. We have a tendency to avoid the conversation about the threat of spiritual...