Tagged: Interviews

CatholicWritersGuild: Sewing Hope

“Right now, the Holy Spirit is using me and the book to help all of us who are coping with the transition into a new lifestyle of constant restraint and change. I didn’t know that Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story would be used for this purpose, but I’m now realizing that the Holy Spirit had many uses in mind for it. People want to know how to get through this and this book has answers”–Nancy Ward

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 12-16-16

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 12-16-16

Atheists at Christmas – Don’t be trapped by your family’s expectations. Make the Spirit of Christmas your own heart-deep year-round celebration of God’s unrelenting love for you. How blogging prepares me for interviews– Featured on CatholicWritersGuild.com –  Nancy writes how she uses blogging to prepare for interviews, including a recent GRN radio show on giving...