Tagged: fear

The Rustle of Fear

“To him who is in fear it seems as if everything around him rustles.” — Sophocles (497 BC)
What are we noticing now that was in plain sight all along? Do we sense the rustling of poverty, sickness, loneliness and death? Haven’t these been around us all our lives? We look at how the world around us is changing – and not for the better.  It’s is all too easy to be afraid of what we didn’t notice on Ash Wednesday when we determined our disciplines for what became the Longest Lent.
The rustlings draw louder as fear threatens to consume us, We know we don’t have the confidence and wisdom to deal with its demands on our own. How do we sort out what we must accept, what action we are called to carry out, and what we must leave to providence? And I don’t mean denying and ignoring the needs we find all around us.
The fact we find hard to accept is that we can choose victory over fear in trusting Jesus by surrendering to his will and staying open each moment to his presence when victimhood is rustling around us.

The Friar's Corner

Friar’s Corner: Jesus is our resurrection and new life

As this virus spreads, many will be called from earthly life. Let us get our life in order and be ready to go with Jesus if he comes for us. Get on the web and look up some definitions of what the scriptures say about heaven and what the church has developed since then. Read stories about people who had departed this life and were sent back. They tell us some wonderful stories of what is on the other side and “not to be afraid of death.”

The Our Father and 7 Last Words of Jesus, 7th Word

“Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit!” (Luke 23:46)
“But deliver us from evil. Amen!” Jesus was crucified because of the works of evil men and the Evil One. His trust in the Father knew no bounds. He was afraid but despite the fear, he continued to do the task given to him.
We have tasks to do. Sometimes they are positive tasks we must accomplish like going to work. Sometimes they are negative tasks, things we must avoid today like drugs or pornography. God stands ready to help us in everything he asks us to do.