Tagged: Don Quixote

Testimony: Saved by Don Quixote

Three years later, I became a Catholic. I was really enthusiastic—I was going to be the best Catholic that I could be.
After a few years, I became a Catholic in name only. I had a lot of misconceptions about God. I could not conceive that the God of the whole universe loved me, nor did I know that he wanted a personal relationship with me. I was told that he loved me, but I never experienced that love. After ten years, our marriage became a rocky road. By now we had five children and I was working two jobs to make ends meet. I complained a lot, was irritated and frustrated.

Saved by Don Quixote

After a few years, I became a Catholic in name only. I had a lot of misconceptions about God. I could not conceive that the God of the whole universe loved me, nor did I know that he wanted a personal relationship with me. I was told that he loved me, but I never experienced that love. After ten years, our marriage became a rocky road. By now we had five children and I was working two jobs to make ends meet. I complained a lot, was irritated and frustrated.

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 4-28-16

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 4-28-16

Joy Stories: Saved by Don Quixote – by Bill Alexander – Like the love Don Quixote showered on Dulcinea, Bill Alexander tells how Jesus just engulfed him with unconditional love and mercy. Singing through the pain – No sermon as effective as the joy of young musician singing through his pain. Friar’s Corner: I give...