Tagged: cross

The Carpenter’s Work

The Carpenter’s Work

By Robert Schnitzius I felt strength in the Carpenter’s hands as he cut me from the tree. I felt the care with which he worked as he shaped and fashioned me. He sawed and planed with purpose; he formed me straight and long. He wanted me to serve him well, to stand both true and...

Friar’s Corner: Is there joy in God’s wisdom?

Friar’s Corner: Is there joy in God’s wisdom?

Wisdom 9:13-18b; Ps 90:3-6, 12-17; Philemon 8-10, 12-17; Lk 14:25-33 Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend. Please don’t stop praying daily a Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the conversion of all terrorists. We can also pray another chaplet for our country. We certainly need God’s help. Thank you in the holy Name of...

Joy Stories: Embracing the Cross

Joy Stories: Embracing the Cross

By Lisa Nicholas In my parish church, we have a set of hand-carved Stations of the Cross that we purchased from Taiwan thirty years ago. In those days we couldn’t afford much, so parishioners were encouraged to “buy” one station. I chose to pay for the Fifth Station, where Simon of Cyrene is compelled to...

The Our Father and 7 Last Words of Jesus, 7th Word

“Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit!” (Luke 23:46)
“But deliver us from evil. Amen!” Jesus was crucified because of the works of evil men and the Evil One. His trust in the Father knew no bounds. He was afraid but despite the fear, he continued to do the task given to him.
We have tasks to do. Sometimes they are positive tasks we must accomplish like going to work. Sometimes they are negative tasks, things we must avoid today like drugs or pornography. God stands ready to help us in everything he asks us to do.