Tagged: confession

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 4-15-16

Got Joy? Latest JOYAlive.net posts 4-15-16

Lazarus and Confession by Charlotte Ward – In that moment Lazarus’ veins filled with blood, eyes with light, ears with hearing. That’s what Confession is like. CWG: Five ways to share your faith in the Year of Mercy by Nancy Ward – Dave Palmer, GRN KATH 910, interviews Nancy Ward on how to share your...

Lazarus and Confession

Lazarus and Confession

by guest blogger Charlotte Ward I had the privilege of going to Confession with my boy friend’s sister-in-law, Meredith, for her First Reconciliation as a convert. It was just so neat to be able to go with her to Confession — like I’ve done since I was eight or nine — and see someone who...

Heart Surgery

Heart Surgery

In this Year of Faith and especially during Lent we are encouraged to turn to God, express sorrow for our sins and open our lives to the power of God’s healing grace.  God understands how difficult it is to come to confession when we don’t have the confident assurance that his love for us is...

Bishop Ricken Offers ‘10 Ways Catholics Can Live The Year Of Faith’

Bishop Ricken Offers ‘10 Ways Catholics Can Live The Year Of Faith’

  September 24, 2012 WASHINGTON—To honor the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI has announced a Year of Faith, starting October 11 and ending November 24, 2013. The goal is to strengthen the faith of Catholics and draw the world...