Tagged: compassion

Ten reasons to stop beating yourself up

Forgiveness happens when you surrender your natural desire for revenge. Reconciliation is the tranquility that results from right order.–St. Augustine I’m big on forgiveness to ward off revenge. I can eventually forgive anyone—except myself! How do I forgive myself for my angry outbursts against those I love dearly? For the little acts of revenge I...

Grandpa Francis

Grandpa Francis

Pope Francis is old enough to be a grandfather, and he identifies with grandparents. “When I was in the Philippines, the people called me ‘Lolo Kiko,' or rather, 'Grandpa Francis,'” he said to his March 11 Papal Audience. Unlike our culture that often marginalizes the grandparent generation, the Lord does not ignore the elderly. Instead,...

Fasting and Feasting

Fasting and Feasting

Fast from discontent; feast on thankfulness. Fast from worry; feast on trust. Fast from anger; feast on patience. Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others. Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayers. Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness. Fast from discouragement, feast on hope. Fast from media hype, feast on the honesty of...