Category: Prayer

Friar’s Corner: Fighting the evil spirits around us

We could call events these days at least as a double-layered early storm. We have the physical story of the Covid virus and the political movement toward our November elections. I won’t sidestep today’s gospel of  a Canaanite mother whose daughter is “tormented by a demon.” There are levels of demonic activity. Oppression deals with a person experiencing normal attacks by evil spirits. Obsession deals with evil spirits to create severe disturbances and blockage in a particular area of a person. God will not let evil spirits completely take over every area of a person’s life. They may hamper certain areas. We think of temptations, harassment, obsession or possession of certain areas of a person’s life.

Friar’s Corner: Keeping your God-light shining

To turn our God-light on, we need to plug our lamp cord into God’s power socket, our baptism. Then we can turn on the Jesus-light inside of us. Knowing and loving Jesus empowers us to radiate His light and love to others. To keep our lights on we need to repent of all our past sins and beg God for His mercy and love.

Friar’s Corner: The Holy Spirit prays for God’s will

Jesus paid all the bill by His death and resurrection. At infant baptism, our parents received them for us then. Sometimes in our adult life, we must make our own commitment to know and follow Jesus in His new kingdom. Each sacrament in God’s kingdom offers us a different set of operating gifts for personal growth and adult ministry for others. 

How to reset your Happiness Set Point

We all are trying to cope with unprecedented challenges the pandemic brings in every area of our lives. As our emotions roller-coaster. it’s difficult to find happiness in the chaos. But there’s a way you can help dig yourself out of so much unhappiness. With or without a pandemic, we all have a Happiness Set Point, a pretty constant level of happiness that can be reset.

CatholicMom: Emerging from the Cocoon

In my coronavirus captivity, God was shaping me into the woman I need to be when I fully emerge into a new life. He was giving me the strength, wisdom, and faith to survive in the world outside that was becoming so different from what I remembered. He was teaching me not to expect or long for the old life I had, but to trust Him for this new life He has for me.